Monday, June 27, 2011

Food Shopping on a Budget

One of the many adjustments I have had to make is figuring out where to do my food shopping. Ralph's? Trader Joe's? Fresh and Easy? Vons? Food for Less? Costco? The options can be overwhelming. I have done plenty of food shopping in my lifetime, but very few times have I had to really watch what I'm putting in my grocery cart.

This past weekend, I bought under 20 items (mostly fruits and vegetables) and it almost rang up to $50.00! I couldn't believe it. I even brought a calculator and was adding it all up as I went, and still with just a handheld basket full of stuff, I burned a hole in my wallet. I could drive to San Diego and back with that money!

I walked out realizing that I needed some new strategies if I was going to be successful at the grocery store. And that means that I might have to give up some conveniences that I've always had the luxury of enjoying. The process of cutting up coupons, going to numerous stores to shop for the best deals, planning meals ahead, and saying no to brand name items are steps that I am learning to take (even though I am dragging my feet a little bit at the thought of it).

I'm realizing in this process how lazy I can be and impatient. I recognize that this is a part of my middle class privilege that I have always had the choice or option to eat what I wanted when I wanted it. But, for the poor, they don't have this luxury. They are grateful just to get a meal. It is really humbling to encounter my own ungratefulness and impatience when it comes to living with limitations and restraints. These are many of the conveniences that I am slowly repenting of and asking the Lord to teach me how to be a better steward of my resources... no matter how great or how small.

I have a lot to learn.

For those who are veterans in the area of a food shopping on a budget, I would love your ideas and suggestions...


  1. Hey, Michelle, i just came across your blog. This post was a pleasant read. As for the tips: if you're not particular about organic/inorganic and brand/non-brand produce, walmart matches other grocery stores deals/coupons so if you get those grocery store weekly deals through the mail or even, I think, in the newspaper, then that can save you the trip of going to all those stores and you get the best bargains :) My mom has the genius and patience of doing that, I don't :(.

  2. Thanks for the tip! I've already started looking through the newspapers before I throw them away. Yes it does take a lot of patience. But definitely worth it. :)
