According to StrengthsFinder, my top strength is "Context" which means that I like to look to the past in order to understand my future. My second highest strength is "Connectedness" which means that I easily see purpose and connection in everyday circumstances. I used to teach this stuff, so don't judge me. :) So here is me putting both of these strengths into practice...
My 2011 Reflections
The overwhelming word that comes to mind when I think of 2011 is TRANSITION. I'd like to say that I am an expert in transitions--geographical, relational, professional, cultural--given the course of my 20s. However, each transition has come with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Each has the capacity to completely derail me if I lose sight of my core vision. But each has the capacity to bring about transformation in my life if I persevere and choose to trust in the One who is leading me. 2011--the year I turned 30--has marked a significant year of preparation, closure, risk, trial, loss, gain, and acceptance.Coming into the New Year, I knew that 2011 was going to be a big one. By this point, I had already felt confirmed that this was the year that I would step out of Res Life and make the move to Long Beach. I knew that this meant that I would have to quit my job and find a new job, and would need to figure out housing, roommate, etc. February, I turned in my resignation with a little bit of fear and trembling. Not because I doubted God's direction, but because I knew that I was taking a big risk in giving up a secure job in this economy in order to say yes to God's call in my life. With 5 months left in my job, I saved every penny, actively applied for jobs, wrapped up loose ends in my job, secured a temporary housing situation, found a roommate, and tried to remain present and grateful in my final moments at Biola. In the midst of many questions, I did everything I could to prepare well for the upcoming transition, but at the end of the day, I knew that I was taking a big risk. A risk that only God could provide for...
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Things started off beautifully. The Schmidt family (the beautifully family that I have a million pictures of on my blog and Facebook) took me in as I was in need of a temporary place to live during this time of job transition. God knew exactly what I needed in this season. And that was a place of belonging. The Lord gave me this verse at the beginning stages of my transition to Long Beach: "God settles the solitary in a home..." (Ps 68:6). What a grace of God--a gift that I didn't realize would be a steady foundation for me in the coming months. After the honeymoon stage of change faded, however, reality started to settle in, bank account began to dwindle, and the difficulty of finding a job became more and more discouraging. I made it my full-time job to be looking for jobs, but somehow, it wasn't enough. No phone calls. No interviews. Told that I was overqualified. Three months passed, and with only a month left of funds, I was on the verge of desperation. I let go of the "ideal", feeling defeated, and was willing to take anything that could pay the bills. Around the same time, I was shocked to find out that a good friend of mine from high school, Aaron Vaughn, was one of the Navy Seals that was killed in the helicopter crash in Afghanistan. And finally, the relationship I was in fizzled. The only thing that was carrying me through the darkness of this season was God's promise to me that he would "settle" me, provide for me, wouldn't leave me stranded, and was my comfort and hope.
LOSS/GAIN (Sept-Nov)
Coming out of a season of testing and desperation, everything changed when I got the phone call. In a matter of 3 days, Eric, City Catalyst for Vision360 Long Beach, hired me for a job that was absolutely perfect and had NOTHING to do with me and my efforts (You can read my previous blog to get the whole story). It was one of those "midnight hour" moments--when you've finally reached the end of yourself and God steps in. Around the same time, I had also been hired to help a friend with some office admin work for his after-school guitar program. Between these two jobs, the Lord not only provided for my monthly bills, but also allowed me to buy a plane ticket home for Christmas, and to run another half-marathon in Santa Barbara. Although my resources were slim, I was finally beginning to settle just a little bit. However, I was very aware that my Vision360 job was only a temporary provision as it was set to end February 1st. In the midst of this season, I was also experiencing the distance of my Biola relationships, while my Long Beach connections were expanding and deepening--the nature of proximity and relational transitions. In the little space that I had outside of my two part-time jobs, I was trying to make myself available to the Schmidt family, spearheading some new changes for our church's praise team, and intentionally developing relationships with my new Long Beach neighbors. Somewhere along the way, I found myself stretched thin. I was experiencing both the goodness of many opportunities, but also my own limitations to keep up with it all. This caused me to reevaluate my priorities, rather than saying "yes" to everything that came my way.
In the last month, as I have been looking forward to 2012, I am forced to face the reality that these abundant temporary provisions that were provided at a point of desperation (ie. Vision360 job and housing) are quickly coming to an end. I need a full-time job--in order to pay rent--in order move closer into the neighborhood my church is invested in--in order to begin investing more deeply in ministry and relationships in the city. As I am aware of my need, I also am coming to a place of acceptance that these things take time and the fulfillment of this ministry calling won't be revealed overnight. It requires long-term commitment and patience. I am encouraged that God didn't bring me this far to leave me stranded--once again my Psalm 68:6 promise. With so many questions ahead, I have asked the Lord to reaffirm my ministry calling. He gave me this verse, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you... I consecrated you... I appointed you...." (Jeremiah 1:5). Even though I can't see the bigger vision of God's plan for me here in Long Beach, I recognize that there is purpose and I am just on the brink of this journey. Somehow, this reality has allowed me to have more open hands with God's timeline and provision as I look towards the future.
Final Thoughts & Reflections
- Be Faithful: I will be quick to admit that I have NO idea what God is doing. 2011 looks entirely different than I anticipated. Both for the better, and at times, painful. But all I do know is that God is calling me to be faithful. Faithful to the calling that He has given me to seek the flourishing of the city for the sake of seeing God's shalom here on earth. But also faithful in the small, intermediate steps along the way. *If this language is jibberish to you, please read this article on Shalom Theology. It is a really shaping part of my theology.
- Forgive and Let Go (again and again...): This has been a huge year of forgiveness--both for myself and for some painful relationships of my past. I find that as I have been faithful to step out in this season that Satan has loved reminding me of the past, bringing up old wounds and making me feel insignificant. Once I was able to see it for what it was--lies and attacks from the enemy--I was able to receive God's forgiveness and extend forgiveness once again to those who have hurt me. There is nothing worse than holding on to old resentments and bitterness if you are trying to be faithful to God. "First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift" (Matt 5:24).
- Relationships in my 30s: I have realized entering my 30s, that I need to approach relationships a little differently. There is a tricky balance between being OPEN and NOT SETTLING. I have experienced the pain of both. Being so open that I ignore my intuitions which tell me that this person is not a life partner. But also being so narrow in my "standards" or ideas of an ideal mate that I close myself off to great guys. The tendency I think for many 30-yr old females is to settle because they become desperate. I can see that temptation, but I am not willing to live miserably. This year has been an active year of dating, and in the midst of it all, I have learned a lot about this balance--both to trust my gut a little more as well as to define what my non-negotiables are and stick to them. I don't feel like I have to make anything happen to change my relationship status, but I think I feel more equipped to know how to identify a life partner, rather than just a quality guy. In the meantime, I am perfectly content being single and living undividedly for the Lord (I Cor. 7:33-35). That is where He has me now, and it is a GOOD place to be.
- Remembering, Contentment and Hope: In hopes to wrap up this really long blog entry, I will end with this. In order to have hope for the future, I am realizing that it's important to remember God's faithfulness in my past, as well as find an acceptance for the present. Deuteronomy 6:12 says, "...take care lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." When in the midst of trials and tribulation, we forget. We easily resort to old fears and choose unbelief. That is why it is SO important to take time to remember. My remembrance stone from 2011 is the day I got the phone call in early September when I was at my midnight hour. God provided a job that was above and beyond my greatest imagination. How could He not do the same again? How I long to hear these words from the Lord, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master" (Matthew 25:21). It's in accepting and living fully in my present, that I bring pleasure and glory to the Master. Hope, then, is just an overflow of the heart that has found complete trust in a trustworthy God. This may take a lifetime to learn, but the Lord is truly discipling me in this season. And at the end of the day, that is His will for His people--no matter what stage of life or circumstance we find ourselves in. May I be more like Christ in 2012--a little wiser, a little more humble, a little more gracious, a little more faithful.
Okay. 2,000+ words later... bring on the New Year!!